Friday, July 29, 2011

Update on painting

So this is the latest update to the painting. The next image I post will be the finished piece, its taking a little while to finish this painting because I am painting from life and I have to make sure that the model (Charohn) has time to pose. So each session that she can sit for me is about 2 -3 hours. Please let me know your thoughts on the progress so far.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Update to the painting

Here is the update to the painting. Still have a lot to go, the magazines and of course the figure as well small details on the dresser.

Let me know what you think.

Friday, July 15, 2011

New Painting!!

So this is the latest painting that I am working on before I head off to Graduate School. It is about Black women and our concept of beauty. So here are a few stages of the painting and what it looks like at its current stage. I will continue updating during the process of this piece.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


So It has been  while since I last posted, been a little busy getting prepared to move. Anyway I just bought and read this graphic novel that Alex Ross illustrated. It is an amazing story, the entire book compiles all the editions together in one. The story is very different from your traditional comic or graphic novel about super heroes. The story focuses on human beings and what they go through as new marvels and super heroes barge into their life. In the novel it focuses on a photographer and his experiences in a marvel world.

Great buy and amazing visuals, If you do not know Alex Ross visit his website and be amazed. He breathes human emotions and reality into his characters and you actually feel like you are reading a real life story or a live action film with all the plot twisting and character relations of human beings.